It was at the games of Pompeius Magnus that the chama[1]
was first exhibited; an animal called rufius by the Gauls;
having the figure of a wolf, with the spots of the pard. There
were also exhibited some animals from Æthiopia, which they
called by the Greek name, xh/poi,[2] the hinder extremities of
which resembled the human feet and legs, while the fore-feet
were like hands. These animals have not been seen at Rome
since that time.
1. In the older editions, the names here given to this animal were
"chaus" and "ruphius;" the alteration was made by Hardouin from a
MS. in the Royal Library of Paris, which he deemed of high authority,
and has been adopted by all the modern editors. There is considerable
doubt respecting the animal here designated by the name of "chama;" it
appears to have been an inhabitant of Gaul, and in c. 34, is styled "lupus
ecrvarius;" but the account does not enable us to identify it with any
animal known to exist in that country.—B. It is generally supposed to
have been a species of lynx.
2. No doubt this description refers to some species of the monkey tribe,
but it is uncertain to what one in particular. Its having been seen only
once at Rome, shows that it was not of the most common kind; Cuvier,
however, thinks it probable, that Pliny may have been incorrect in this;
he supposes that it was the "Simia sphinx" of Linnæus, Lem. vol. iii. p. 395.
According to Aristotle, Hist. Anim. B. ii. c. 8, khbos is merely a monkey
with a tail; see also the account of Ælian, Anim. Nat. B. xvii. c. 8.—B.